I study marketing challenges related to globalization and digitalization.

My research has been published in leading academic journals in the fields of marketing and international business, including the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, and Journal of Business Research.

Global-Local Branding

 Brand globalness and localness are distinct perceptual attributes that can give a brand a competitive edge.

Brand Origin Misperception

Consumers often hold wrong beliefs about the origin of brands, which may bias their brand-related attitudes.  

Brand Communication in Social Media

Social media has become a crucial communication channel for brands. How can brands best engage their audience?

Marketing Standardization

 International brands need to find the right balance between harmonizing and adapting their marketing programs.

Marketing × Globalization

Marketing × Digitalization

Work in Progress

Marketing × Globalization

Political Ideology and Brand Localness

An investigation of how political ideology influences the effectiveness of local brand positioning strategies using a longitudinal dataset combining retail, voting, and survey data.

Consumer Animosity and Perceived Brand Globalness

A study that explores the question if global brand positioning strategies can help to mitigate the negative effects of consumer animosity.

Marketing × Digitalization

Drivers and Dynamics of Pre-Release Consumer Buzz

Empirical studies of how buzz for upcoming products evolves over time and how it can be effectively stimulated through key managerial levers (e.g., advertising, social media content).

Interactivity and Customer Engagement

An investigation of the role of interactivity between customers and peer service providers in driving engagement on sharing economy platforms.

Special Issue of the International Marketing Review

Together with Jun Luo (University of Nottingham Ningbo China), Natalia Yannopoulou (Newcastle University Business School), Jochen Wirtz (National University of Singapore), I co-edit a Special Issue of the International Marketing Review titled “International Marketing Perspectives on Digital Platforms & Ecosystems.”

The special issue seeks to push the boundaries of international marketing research by publishing original work on digital platforms, such as social media platforms, online marketplaces, sharing economy platforms, and hybrid platform types. We welcome any conceptual or empirical (qualitative or quantitative) work that sheds light on (1) the role of international marketing constructs in the context of international interactions and exchanges on digital platforms, (2) cross-national differences concerning relevant phenomena, such as consumer privacy and personal data protection, platform architecture and designs, and market structures, or (3) culture-specific phenomena that have been neglected by the mainstream (Western-centric) marketing literature.

The submission window closes on September 1, 2023. More information of this Special Issue are available on digital-platforms.info.

Resources for Marketing Researchers

Recommended Reading

Do you want to learn a new method or wish to refresh your knowledge about research theory? My curated reading list covers various topics related to academic writing and publishing, research design, and data analysis.


Are you looking for measurement scales for your next survey or experiment? Maybe you can find it in my personal scale repository. Chances are good if you are interested in branding or international marketing.

Data Sources

Are you looking for secondary data related to the phenomenon you are studying? I compiled various free and paid data sources that offer information about countries, firms, and brands.

Want to learn more about my courses and workshops?