I’m Timo Mandler
Marketing Researcher & Educator
Marketing in Times of Globalization & Digitalization
Marketing Research
My research focuses on contemporary marketing challenges in the context of globalization and digitalization.
Business Education
I teach brand management and research methods to business students and early-career researchers.
Learn More About my Research
My work on marketing in the context of globalization and digitalization – two definitive forces that shape markets in the 21st century – has been published in leading marketing and international business journals, such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, and International Marketing Review. Currently, I work on several projects that address timely and important marketing challenges related to multinational corporations’ ESG performance and global digital platforms & ecosystems.
Global-Local Branding
Brand globalness and localness are distinct perceptual attributes that can give a brand a competitive edge.
Brand Origin Misperception
Consumers often hold wrong beliefs about the origin of brands, which may bias their brand-related attitudes.
Brand Communication in Social Media
Social media has become a crucial communication channel for brands. How can brands best engage their audience?
Marketing Standardization
International brands need to find the right balance between harmonizing and adapting their marketing programs.
Learn More About My Courses and Workshops
I teach various courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level. You can find a short description of each course and workshop I currently teach or have taught in the past under “Teaching.” Also, if you are a student writing his/her Master’s thesis under my supervision, this website provides answers to many of the questions you may have.
Resources for Marketing Researchers

Recommended Reading
Check out my curration of papers and books about various topics, such as theory, study design, and data analysis.

Scale Repository
You are conducting surveys and experiments related to brands? My scale repository may come in handy when designing your questionnaire.

Data Sources
If you are in need for secondary data about brands, firms, or countries, my list of data sources for marketing researchers is a great starting point.