Recommended Readings

On Research Theory and Methodology

Enhance the Validity and Impact of Your Work

Writing & Publishing

Even the best ideas will not see the daylight of an academic journal if they are not communicated well.

Survey Research

Bad survey design  undermines the validity and reliability of your data and will cause a lot of pain throughout the research process.


The act of measurement is at the heart of all sciences. Especially social scientists often deal with latent constructs that pose unique challenges.

Data Analysis

 The analytical tool box researchers can pick from is vast. Understand what tool is the right choice for what type of data is crucial.

Writing & Publishing

How to find a research question?

Davis, Murray S. (1971), “That’s Interesting! Towards a Phenomenology of Sociology and a Sociology of Phenomenology,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1 (2), 309-344.

Tellis, Gerard J. (2017), “Interesting and Impactful Research: On Phenomena, Theory, and Writing,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45, 1-6.

Alvesson, Mats and Jörgen Sandberg (2011), “Generating Research Questions Through Problematization,” Academy of Management Review, 36 (2), 247-271.

Sandberg, Jörgen and Mats Alvesson (2011), “Ways of Constructing Research Questions: Gap-Spotting or Problematization?” Organization, 18 (1), 23-44.

On the relevance, rigor, and impact of research

Lehmann, Donald R., Leigh McAlister, and Richard Staelin (2011), “Sophistication in Research in Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 75 (4), 155-165.

Kohli, Ajay K.  and Michael Haenlein (2021), “Factors Affecting the Study of Important Marketing Issues: Implications and Recommendations,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38 (1), 1-11.

Van Heerde, Harald J., Christine Moorman, C. Page Moreau, and Robert W. Palmatier (2021), “Reality Check: Infusing Ecological Value into Academic Marketing Research,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (2), 1-13.

Schauerte, Nico, Maren Becker, Monika Imschloss, Julian R. K. Wichmann, and Werner J. Reinartz (2023), “The Managerial Relevance of Marketing Science: Properties and Genesis,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40(4), 801-822.

Jaworski, Bernard J. (2011), “On Managerial Relevance,” Journal of Marketing, 75 (4), 211-224.

Jedidi, Kamel, Bernd H. Schmitt, Malek Ben Sliman, and Yanyan Li (2021), “R2M Index 1.0: Assessing the Practical Relevance of Academic Marketing Articles,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (2), 22-41.

MacInnis, Deborah J., Vicki G. Morwitz, Simona Botti, Donna L. Hoffman, Robert V. Kozinets, Donald R. Lehmann, John G. Lynch Jr., and Cornelia Pechmann (2020), “Creating Boundary-Breaking, Marketing-Relevant Consumer Research,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (2), 1-23.

Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro, Paula Caligiuri, Ulf Andersson, and Mary Yoko Brannen (2013), “From the Editors: How to Write Articles that are Relevant to Practice,” Journal of International Business Studies, 44, 285-289.

Hauser, John R. (2016), “Phenomena, Theory, Application, Data, and Methods All Have Impact,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45, 7-9.

Astvansh, Vivek and Ethan Fridmanski (2023), “Academic Business Research: Impact on Academics versus Impact on Practice,” PLoS ONE, 18(12), 1-14.

Chandon, Pierre (2024), “Personal Reflections on Conducting Societally Impactful Research,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 43(3), 212-214. 

On theory and theoretical contributions

Whetten, David A. (1989), “What Constitutes a Theoretical Contribution?” Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 490-495.

Aguinis, Herman and Matthew A. Cronin (2022), “It’s the Theory, Stupid,” Organizational Psychology Review, 1-20.

Prasad, Ajnesh (2023), “What’s Up With Our Obsession With the Theoretical Contribution: A Means to an End or an End in and of Itself?” Organization, 30(6), 1259-1265.

Kindermann, Bastian, Daniel Wentzel, David Antons, and Torsten-Oliver Salge (2023), “Conceptual Contributions in Marketing Scholarship: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Rebalancing Options,” Journal of Marketing, 1-21. 

How to craft a good manuscript?

Reinartz, Werner J. (2016), “Crafting a JMR Manuscript,” Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (1), 139-141.

Lindgreen, Adam and C. Anthony Di Benedetto (2021), “How Authors Really Frame a Top Manuscript,” Industrial Marketing Management, 94, A11-A17.

Warren, Nooshin L., Matthew Farmer, Tianyu Gu, and Caleb Warren (2021), “Marketing Ideas: How to Write Research Articles that Readers Understand and Cite,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (5), 42-57.

Ragins, Belle R. (2012), “Editor’s Comments: Reflections on the Craft of Clear Writing,” Academy of Management Review, 37 (4), 493-501.

Palmatier, Robert W. (2016), “Improving Publishing Success at JAMS: Contribution and Positioning,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44, 655-659.

Busse, Clara and Ella August (2020), “How to Write and Publish a Research Paper for a Peer-Reviewed Journal,” Journal of Cancer Education, 36, 909-913.

Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and Allan Bird (2024), “How to Avoid a Desk Reject: Do’s and Don’ts,” Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming. 


How to review a paper?

Houston, Mark B. and John Hulland (2020), “Reviewers as Developmental Coaches,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 1-4.

Verbeke, Alain, Mary Ann Von Glinow, and Yadong Luo (2017), “Becoming a Great Reviewer: Four Actionable Guidelines,” Journal of International Business Studies, 48, 1-9.

Bagchi, Rajesh, Lauren Block, Rebecca W. Hamilton, and Julie L. Ozanne (2017), “A Field Guide for the Review Process: Writing and Responding to Peer Reviews,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (5), 860-872.

Lehmann, Donald R. and Russell S. Winer (2017), “The Role and Impact of Reviewers on the Marketing Discipline,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45, 587-592.

Holbrook, Morris B. (1986), “A Note on Sadomasochism in the Review Process: I Hate When That Happens,” Journal of Marketing, 50 (3), 104-108.

Griffin, Abbie and Gloria Barczak (2020), “Effective Reviewing for Conceptual Journal Submissions,” AMS Review, 10, 36-48.

How to navigate the review process?

Moorman, Christine, James R. Bettman, Joel D. Huber, Mary Frances Luce, and Richard Staelin (2019), “Responding to Reviewers: Lessons from 30 Years of Editor Experience at Duke University,” in How to Get Published in the Best Marketing Journals, David W. Stewart and Daniel M. Ladik, eds. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar Publishing, 212-222. ISBN: 978 1 7881 1369 4

Moorman, Christina, Harald J. van Heerde, C. Page Moreau, and Robert Palmatier (2019), “Managing the Review Process at the Journal of Marketing,” AMA Blog Post.

Summers, John O. (2001), “Guidelines for Conducting Research and Publishing in Marketing: From Conceptualization Through the Review Process,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29 (4), 405-415.

Gupta, Sachin, Peter Danaher, Vikas Mittal, and Maureen Morrin (2023), “A Manuscript’s Journey Through Peer Review: Insights from Almost 3,000 Editorial Decisions at the Journal of Marketing Research,” Journal of Marketing Research, 60(5), 835-846.

Feldman, Daniel C. (2005), “Conversing with Editors: Strategies for Authors and Reviewers,” Journal of Management, 31 (5), 649-658.

LaPlaca, Peter, Adam Lindgreen, Joelle Vanhamme, and C. Anthony Di Benedetto (2018), “How to Revise, and Revise Really Well, for Premier Academic Journals,” Industrial Marketing Management, 72, 174-180.

Grinstein, Amir (2022), “Thoughts on the Academic Review Process,” Personal Blog Post.

Pang, Min-Seok and Jason B. Thatcher (2023), “A Practical Guide for Successful Revisions and Engagement with Reviewers,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(2), 317-327. 

Survey Research

How to conduct surveys?

Hulland, John, Hans Baumgartner, and Keith Marion Smith (2018), “Marketing Survey Research Best Practices: Evidence and Recommendations from a Review of JAMS Articles,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (1), 92-108.

Krosnick, Jon A. (1999), “Survey Research,” in Annual Review of Psychology, 50, 537-567.

Hox, Joop J., Edith D. de Leeuw, and Don A. Dillman (2008), “The Cornerstones of Survey Research,” in International Handbook of Survey Methodology, Edith D. de Leeuw, Joop J. Hox, and Don A. Dillman, eds. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 978 0 8058 5752 8

Groves, Robert M., Floyd J. Fowler, Jr., Mick P. Couper, James M. Lepkowski, Eleanor Singer, and Roger Tourangeau (2009), Survey Methodology (2nd edition). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 978 0 4704 6546 2

Dillman, Don A., Jolene D. Smith, Leah M. Christian (2014), Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method (4th edition). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 978 1 1184 5614 9

How to conduct experiments?

Koschate-Fischer, Nicole and Stephen Schandelmeier (2014), “A Guideline for Designing Experimental Studies in Marketing Research and a Critical Discussion of Selected Problem Area,” Journal of Business Economics, 84, 793-826.

Mittal, Vikas (2016), “Conducting Experiments for Gaining Customer Insights: A Primer on Causal Research (Part 1 of 2),” SSRN Working Paper.

Morales, Andrea C., On Amir, and Leonard Lee (2017), “Keeping It Real in Experimental Research – Understanding When, Where, and How to Enhance Realism and Measure Consumer Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (2), 465-476.

Zellmer-Bruhn, Mary, Paula Caligiuri, and David C. Thomas (2016), “From the Editors: Experimental Designs in International Business Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 47 (4), 399-407.

Vargas, Patrick T., Brittany R. L. Duff, and Ronald J. Faber (2017), “A Practical Guide to Experimental Advertising Research,” Journal of Advertising, 46 (1), 101-114.

Spilski, Anja, Andrea Gröppel-Klein, and Heribert Gierl (2018), “Avoiding Pitfalls in Experimental Research in Marketing,” Marketing ZFP, 40 (2), 58-91.

Aguinis, Herman and Kyle J. Bradley (2014), “Best Practice Recommendations for Designing and Implementing Experimental Vignette Methodology Studies,” Organizational Research Methods, 17(4), 351-371. 

How to draw appropriate samples?

Reynolds, Nina L., Antonis C. Simintiras, and Adamantios Diamantopoulos (2003), “Theoretical Justification of Sampling Choices in International Marketing Research: Key Issues and Guidelines for Researchers,” Journal of International Business Studies, 34 (1), 80–89.

Bello, Daniel, Kwok Leung, Lee Radebaugh, Rosalie L. Tung, and Arjen van Witteloostuijn (2009), “From the Editors: Student Samples in International Business Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 40 (3), 361–364.

Maxwell, Scott E., Ken Kelley, and Joseph R. Rausch (2008), “Sample Size Planning for Statistical Power and Accuracy in Parameter Estimation,” Annual Review of Psychology, 59 (1), 537–563.

Lohr, Sharon L. (2021), Sampling: Design and Analysis (3rd edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Duxbury Press. ISBN 978 0 4292 9889 9

How to deal with careless responding?

Arndt, Aaron D., John B. Ford, Barry J. Babin, and Vinh Luong (2022), “Collecting Samples from Online Services: How to Use Screeners to Improve Data Quality,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39 (1), 117-133.

Meade, Adam W. and S. Bartholomew Craig (2012), “Identifying Careless Responses in Survey Data,” Psychological Methods, 17 (3), 437-455.

Huang, Jason L., Paul G. Curran, Jessica Keeney, Elizabeth M. Poposki, and Richard P. DeShon (2012), “Detecting and Deterring Insufficient Effort Responding to Surveys,” Journal of Business Psychology, 27 (1), 99-114.

DeSimone, Justin A. and P. D. Harms (2018), “Dirty Data: The Effects of Screening Respondents Who Provide Low-Quality Data in Survey Research,” Journal of Business Psychology, 33 (5), 559-577.

Zhang, Chan and Frederick G. Conrad (2014), “Speeding in Web Surveys: The Tendency to Answer Very Fast and Its Association With Straightlining,” Survey Research Methods, 8 (2), 127-135.

How to deal with common method variance?

MacKenzie, Scott B. and Philip M. Podsakoff (2012), “Common Method Bias in Marketing: Causes, Mechanisms, and Procedural Remedies,” Journal of Retailing, 88 (4), 542-555.

Baumgartner, Hans and Bert Wejters (2021), “Dealing with Common Method Variance in International Marketing Research,” Journal of International Marketing, 29 (3), 7-22.

Baumgartner, Hans, Bert Wejters, and Rik Pieters (2021), “The Biasing Effect of Common Method Variance: Some Clarifications,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49 (2), 221-235.

Chang, Sea-Jin, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, and Lorraine Eden (2010), “From the Editors: Common Method Variance in International Business Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (2), 178-184.

Lindell, Michael K. and David J. Whitney (2001), “Accounting for Common Method Variance in Cross-Sectional Research Designs,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 86 (1), 114-121.

Williams, Larry J., Nathan Hartman, and Flavia Cavazotte (2010), “Method Variance and Marker Variables: A Review and Comprehensive CFA Marker Technique,” Organizational Research Methods, 13 (3), 477-514.

Malhotra, Naresh K., Tracey King Schaller, and Ashutosh Patil (2017), “Common Method Variance in Advertising Research: When to Be Concerned and How to Control for It,” Journal of Advertising, 46 (1), 193-212.

Podsakoff, Philip M., Nathan P. Podsakoff, Larry J. Williams, Chengquan Huang, and Junhui Yang (2024), “Common Method Bias: It’s Bad, It’s Complex, It’s Widespread, and It’s Not Easy to Fix,” Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 11, 17-61.

How to deal with social desirability?

Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M., Martijn G. de Jong, and Hans Baumgartner (2010), “Socially Desirable Response Tendencies in Survey Research,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (2), 199-214.

Johnson, Timothy P. and Fons J. R. van de Vijver (2002), “Social Desirability in Cross-Cultural Research,” in Cross-Cultural Survey Methods, Janet A. Harkness, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, and Peter Ph. Mohler, eds. New York, NY: Wiley. ISBN: 978 0 4713 8526 4

Robert J. Fisher, Robert J. (1993), “Social Desirability Bias and the Validity of Indirect Questioning,” Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (2), 303-315.

King, Maryon F. and Gordon C. Bruner (2000), “Social Desirability Bias: A Neglected Aspect of Validity Testing,” Psychology & Marketing, 17 (2), 79-103.<79::AID-MAR2>3.0.CO;2-0

Maja Parmač Kovačić, Zvonimir Galić, Željko Jerneić (2014), “Social Desirability Scales as Indicators of Self-Enhancement and Impression Management,” Journal of Personality Assessment, 96 (5), 532-543.

De Jong, Martijn G., Rik Pieters, and Jean-Paul Fox (2010), “Reducing Social Desirability Bias Through Item Randomized Response: An Application to Measure Underreported Desires,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (1), 14-27. 

Paulhus, Delroy L. (1991), “Measurement and Control of Response Bias,” in Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes, John P. Robinson, Phillip R. Shaver, and Lawrence S. Wright, eds. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. ISBN: 978 0 1259 0244 1


How to select measurement scales?

Haws, Kelly L., Kevin L. Sample, and John Hulland (2022), “Scale Use and Abuse: Towards Best Practices in the Deployment of Scales,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming.

Katsikeas, Constantine S., Shilpa Mada, Miguel Brendl, Bobby J. Calder, Donald R. Lehmann, Hans Baumgartner, Bert Weijters, Mo Wang, Chengquan Huang, and Joel Huber (2022), “Commentaries on ‘Scale Use and Abuse: Towards Best Practices in the Deployment of Scales’,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming.

Diamantopoulos, Adamantios, Marko Sarstedt, Christoph Fuchs, Petra Wilczynski, and Sebastian Kaiser (2012), “Guidelines for Choosing Between Multi-Item and Single-Item Scales for Construct Measurement: A Predictive Validity Perspective,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40, 434-449.

Bergkvist, Lars and John R. Rossiter (2007), “The Predictive Validity of Multiple-Item Versus Single-Item Measures of the Same Construct,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (2), 175-184.

Fuchs, Christoph and Adamantios Diamantopoulos (2009), “Using Single-Item Measures for Construct Measurement in Management Research,” Die Betriebswirtschaft, 69 (2), 195-210.

Böckenholt, Ulf and Donald R. Lehmann (2015), “On the Limits of Research Rigidity: The Number of Items in a Scale,” Marketing Letters, 26, 257-260.

Nielsen, Bo B. and Arpit Raswant (2021), “The Selection, Use, and Reporting of Control Variables in International Business Research: A Review and Recommendations,” Journal of World Business, 53 (6), 958-968.

Klarmann, Martin and Sven Feurer (2018), “Control Variables in Marketing Research,” Marketing ZFP, 40 (2), 26-40.

How to develop a measurement scale?

Churchill, Gilbert A. (1979), “A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs,” Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (1), 64‐73.

Gerbing, David W. and James C. Anderson (1988), “An Updated Paradigm for Scale Development Incorporating Unidimensionality in Its Assessment,” Journal of Marketing Research, 25 (2), 186‐192.

MacKenzie, Scott B., Philip M. Podsakoff, and Nathan P. Podsakoff (2011), “Construct Measurement and Validation Procedures in MIS and Behavioral Research: Integrating New and Existing Techniques,” MIS Quarterly, 35 (2), 293-334.

DeVellis Robert F. (2012), Scale Development: Theory and Application (3rd edition). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 978 1 4129 8044 9

Clark, Lee A. and David Watson (1995), “Constructing Validity: Basic Issues in Objective Scale Development,” Psychological Assessment, 7 (3), 309-319.

De Jong, Martijn, Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp, and Bernard P. Veldkamp (2009), “A Model for the Construction of Country-Specific Yet Internationally Comparable Short-Form Marketing Scales,” Marketing Science, 28 (4), 674-689.

Rossiter, John R. (2002), “The C‐OAR‐SE Procedure for Scale Development in Marketing,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 (4), 305‐335.

Diamantopoulos, Adamantios and Heidi M. Winklhofer (2001), “Index Construction with Formative Indicators: An Alternative to Scale Development,” Journal of Marketing Research, 38 (2), 269-277. 

On reflective vs. formative measurement

Bollen, Kenneth A. and Shawn Bauldry (2011), “Three Cs in Measurement Models: Causal Indicators, Composite Indicators, and Covariates,” Psychological Methods, 16 (3), 265-284.

Jarvis, Cheryl B., Scott B. MacKenzie, and Philip M. Podsakoff (2003), “A Critical Review of Construct Indicators and Measurement Model Misspecification in Marketing and Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research, 30 (2), 199-218.

Howell, Roy D., Einar Breivik, and James B. Wilcox (2007), “Reconsidering Formative Measurement,” Psychological Methods, 12 (2), 205-218.

Diamantopoulos, Adamantios, Petra Riefler, and Katharina P. Roth (2008), “Advancing Formative Measurement Models,” Journal of Business Research, 61, 1203-1218.

Petter, Stacie, Detmar Straub, and Arun Rai (2007), “Specifying Formative Constructs in Information Systems Research,” MIS Quarterly, 31 (4), 623-656.

Cadogan, John W. and Nick Lee (2013), “Improper Use of Endogenous Formative Variables,” Journal of Business Research, 66 (2), 233-241.

Chang, Woojung, George R. Franke, and Nick Lee (2016), “Comparing Reflective and Formative Measures: New Insights from Relevant Simulations,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (8), 3177-3185.

How to deal with complex (multidimensional and higher-order) constructs?

Jarvis, Cheryl B., Scott B. MacKenzie, and Philip M. Podsakoff (2003), “A Critical Review of Construct Indicators and Measurement Model Misspecification in Marketing and Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research, 30 (2), 199-218.

Law, Kenneth S., Chi-Sum Wong, and William H. Mobley (1998), “Toward a Taxonomy of Multidimensional Constructs,” Academy of Management Review, 23 (4), 741-755.

Lee, Nick and John Cadogan (2012), “Problems with Formative and Higher-Order Reflective Variables,” Journal of Business Research, 66 (2), 242-247.

Koufteros, Xenophon, Sunil Babbar, and Mehdi Kaighobadi (2009), “A Paradigm for Examining Second-Order Factor Models Employing Structural Equation Modeling,” International Journal of Production Economics, 120, 633-652.

How to translate measurement scales?

Behling, Orlando and Kenneth S. Law (2000), Translating Questionnaires and Other Research Instruments: Problems and Solutions (Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, No. 133). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Behr, Dorothée and Kuniaki Shishido (2016), “The Translation of Measurement Instruments for Cross-Cultural Surveys,” in The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology, Christof Wolf, Dominique Joye, Tom W. Smith, and Yang-Chih Fu, eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 978 1 4462 8266 3

Geisinger, Kurt F. (1994), “Cross-Cultural Normative Assessment: Translation and Adaptation Issues Influencing the Normative Interpretation of Assessment Instruments,” Psychological Assessment, 6 (4), 304-312.

Harkness, Janet A. (2003), “Questionnaire Translation,” in Cross-Cultural Survey Methods, Janet A. Harkness, Fons van de Vijver, and Peter Ph. Mohler, eds. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 35-56. ISBN: 978 0 4713 8526 4

Harkness, Janet, Beth-Ellen Pennell, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg (2004), “Survey Questionnaire Translation and Assessment,” in Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questionnaires, Stanley Presser, Jennifer M. Rothgeb, Mick P. Couper, Judith T. Lessler, Elizabeth Martin, Jean Martin, and Eleanor Singer, eds. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978 0 4714 5841 8

How to assess measurement invariance?

Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M. and Hans Baumgartner (1998), “Assessing Measurement Invariance in Cross-National Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research, 25 (1), 78-90. 

Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M. and Alberto Maydeu-Olivares (2020), “An Updated Paradigm for Evaluating Measurement Invariance Incorporating Common Method Variance and Its Assessment,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49 (1), 5-29. 

Vandenberg, Robert J. and Charles E. Lance (2000), “A Review and Synthesis of the Measurement Invariance Literature: Suggestions, Practices, and Recommendations for Organizational Research,” Organizational Research Methods, 3 (1), 4-70. 

Mullen, Michael R. (1995), “Diagnosing Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 26 (3), 573-596. 

Cheung, Gordon W. and Roger B. Rensvold (2002), “Evaluating Goodness-of-Fit Indexes for Testing Measurement Invariance,” Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 9 (2), 233-255. 

Diamantopoulos, Adamantios and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2010), “Assessing the Cross-National Invariance of Formative Measures: Guidelines for International Business Researchers,” Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (2), 360-370.

Data Analysis

Regression analysis

Cohen, Jacob, Patricia Cohen, Stephen G. West, and Leona S. Aiken (2002), Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (3rd edition). New York, NY: Routledge.

Skiera, Bernd, Jochen Reiner, and Sönke Albers (2018), “Regression Analysis,” in Handbook of Market Research, Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, and Arnd Vomberg, eds. Cham: Springer.

Lewis-Beck, Colin and Michael S. Lewis-Beck (2016), Applied Regression: An Introduction (2nd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Frost, Jim (2019), Regression Analysis: An Intuitive Guide.

Mediation and moderation analysis

Hayes, Andrew F. (2018), Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach (2nd edition). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Koschate-Fischer, Nicole and Elisabeth Schwille (2017), “Mediation Analysis in Experimental Research,” in: Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, and Arnd Vomberg (eds.), Handbook of Marketing Research. Cham: Springer.

Spiller, Stephen A., Gavan J. Fitzsimons, John G. Lynch Jr., and Gary H. McClelland (2013), “Spotlights, Floodlights, and the Magic Number Zero: Simple Effects Tests in Moderated Regression,” Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (2), 277-288.

Krishna, Aradhna (2016), “A Clearer Spotlight on Spotlight: Understanding, Conducting, and Reporting,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26 (3), 315-324.

Shaver, J. Myles (2005), “Testing for Mediating Variables in Management Research: Concerns, Implications, and Alternative Strategies,” Journal of Management, 31 (3), 330-353.

Hierarchical linear models

Raudenbush, Stephen W. and Anthony S. Bryk (2002). Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Data Analysis Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 978 0 7619 1904 9

Hox, Joop J. (2010), Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and Applications (2nd edition). New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 978 1 8487 2846 2

Snijders, Tom A. B., and Roel J. Bosker (1999), Multilevel Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Multilevel Modeling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 978 1 8492 0201 5

Maas, Cora J. M. and Joop J. Hox (2005), “Sufficient Sample Sizes for Multilevel Modeling,” Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1 (3), 86-92.

Structural equation models

Iacobucci, Dawn (2009), “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About SEM (Structural Equations Modeling) But Were Afraid to Ask,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (4), 673-680.

Davvetas, Vasileios, Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Ghasem Zaefarian, and Christina Sichtmann (2020), “Ten Basic Questions About Structural Equations Modeling You Should Know the Answers to – But Perhaps You Don’t,” Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 252-263.

Bagozzi, Richard P. and Youjae Yi (2012), “Specification, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Structural Equation Models,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (1), 8-34.

Iacobucci, Dawn (2010), “Structural Equations Modeling: Fit Indices, Sample Size, and Advanced Topics,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 (1), 90-98.

Reinartz, Werner, Michael Haenlein, and Jörg Henseler (2009), “An Empirical Comparison of the Efficacy of Covariance-Based and Variance-Based SEM,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26 (4), 332-344.

Vector autoregressive models

Colicev, Anatoli and Koen H. Pauwels (2020), “Multiple Time Series Analysis for Organizational Research,” Long Range Planning, forthcoming.

Pauwels, Koen H. (2017), “Modern (Multiple) Time Series Models: The Dynamic System,” in: Peter S. H. Leeflang, Jaap E. Wieringe, Tammo H. A. Bijmolt, and Koen H. Pauwels (eds.), Advanced Methods for Modeling Markets. Cham: Springer.

Srinivasan, Shuba (2022), “Modeling Marketing Dynamics Using Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models,” in Handbook of Market Research, Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, and Arnd Vomberg, eds. Cham: Springer. 

Event history/hazard models

Sorescu, Alina, Nooshin L. Warren, and Larisa Ertekin (2017), “Event Study Methodology in the Marketing Literature: An Overview,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45, 186-207.

Kothari, S. P. and Jerold B. Warner (2007), “Econometrics of Event Studies.” In B.
Espen Eckbo (Ed.), Handbook of Empirical Corporate Finance SET, 1 (pp. 3-36). Elsevier.

McWilliams, A., & Siegel, D. (1997), “Event Studies in Management Research: Theoretical and Empirical Issue,” Academy of Management Journal, 40 (3), 626-657.

Skiera, Bernd, Emanuel Bayer, and Lisa Schöler (2016), “What Should Be the Dependent Variable in Marketing-related Event Studies? International Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (3), 641-659.


Hunter, John. E. and Frank L. Schmidt (2015), Methods of Meta-Analysis: Correcting Error and Bias in Research Findings, 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Lipsey, Mark W. and David B. Wilson (2001), Practical Meta-Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN 978 0 7619 2168 4

Steel, Piers, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, and Herman Aguinis (2021), “The Anatomy of an Award-Winning Meta-Analysis: Recommendations for Authors, Reviewers, and Readers of Meta-Analytical Reviews,” Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 23-44.

Grewal, Dhruv, Nancy Puccinelli, and Kent B. Monroe (2018), “Meta-Analysis: Integrating Accumulated Knowledge,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46, 9-30.

Cheung, Mike W.-L. (2015), Meta-Analysis: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978 1 1199 9343 8

Borenstein, Michael, Larry V. Hedges, Julian P. T. Higgins, and Hannah R. Rothstein (2021), Introduction to Meta-Analysis (2nd edition). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978 1 1195 5835 4

Cooper, Harris, Larry V. Hedges, and Jeffrey C. Valentine (2009), The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. ISBN 978 0 87154 163 5

Villiger, Jessica, Simone A. Schweiger, and Artur Baldauf (2023), “Making the Invisible Visible: Guidelines for the Coding Process in Meta-Analyses,” Organizational Research Methods, 25(4), 716-740. 

Bibliometric analysis

Hulland, John (2024), “Bibliometric Reviews – Some Guidelines,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming. 

Mukherjee, Debmalya, Weng Marc Lim, Satish Kumar, and Naveen Donthu (2022), “Guidelines for Advancing Theory and Practice Through Bibliometric Research,” Journal of Business Research, 148, 101-115. 

Donthu, Naveen, Satish Kumar, Debmalya Mukherjee, Nitesh Pandey, and Weng Marc Lim (2021), “How to Conduct a Bibliometric Analysis: An Overview and Guidelines,” Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296. 

Samiee, Saeed and Brian R. Chabowski (2012), “Knowledge Structure in International Marketing: A Multi-Method Bibliometric Analysis,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (2), 364386. 

Aria, Massimo and Corrado Cuccurullo (2017), “bibliometrix: An R-tool for Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis,” Journal of Informetrics, 11 (4), 959975. 

van Eck, Nees J. and Ludo Waltman (2010), “Software Survey: VOSviewer, a Computer Program for Bibliometric Mapping,” Scientometrics, 84 (2), 523-538.

Conjoint analysis
Steiner, Michael and Martin Meißner (2018), “A User’s Guide to the Galaxy of Conjoint Analysis and Compositional Preference Measurement,” Marketing ZfP, 40, 3-25.

Eggers, Felix, Henrik Sattler, Thorsten Teichert, and Franziska Völckner (2018), “Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis,” in: Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, and Arnd Vomberg (eds.), Handbook of Marketing Research. Cham: Springer.

Clayton, Katherine, Yusaku Horiuchi, Aaron R. Kaufman, Gary King, and Mayya Komisarchik (2023), “Correcting Measurement Error Bias in Conjoint Survey Experiments,” Working Paper.

Control variables

Berneth, Jeremy B., Michael S. Cole, Erik C. Taylor, and H. Jack Walker (2017), “Control Variables in Leadership Research: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review,” Journal of Management, 44(1), 131-160.

Spector, Paul E. and Michael T. Brannick (2011), “Methodological Urban Legends: The Misuse of Statistical Control Variables,” Organizational Research Methods, 14(2), 287-305.

Becker, T. E., G. Atinc, J. A. Breaugh, K. D. Carlson, J. R. Edwards, and P. E. Spector (2016), “Statistical Control in Correlational Studies: 10 Essential Recommendations for Organizational Researchers,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37(2), 157-167.

Klarmann, Martin and Sven Feurer (2018), “Control Variables in Marketing Research,” Marketing ZfP, 40(2), 26-40.

Shiau, Wen-Lung, Patrick Y. K. Chau, Jason B. Thatcher, Ching-I Teng, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi (2024), “Have We Controlled Properly? Problems with and Recommendations for the Use of Control Variables in Information Systems Research,” International Journal of Information Management, 74, 102702.

Special Topics

Causal Inference

Pearl, Judea (2009), Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference (2nd edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978 0 5218 9560 6

Pearl, Judea (2009), “Causal Inference in Statistics: An Overview,” Statistics Surveys, 3, 96-146.

Shadish, William R., Thomas D. Cook, and Donald T. Campbell (2002), Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generalized Causal Inference. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin and Company. ISBN 9 780 3956 1556 0

Antonakis, John, Samuel Bendahan, Philippe Jacquart, and Rafael Lalive (2010), “On Making Causal Claims: A Review and Recommendations,” The Leadership Quarterly, 21, 1086-1120.

Imai, Kosuke, Luke Keele, Dustin Tingley, and Teppei Yamamoto (2011), “Unpacking the Black Box of Causality: Learning About Causal Mechanisms from Experimental and Observational Studies,” American Political Science Review, 105 (4), 765-789.


Ebbes, Peter, Dominik Papies, and Harald van Heerde (2016), “Dealing with Endogeneity: A Nontechnical Guide for Marketing Researchers,” in Handbook of Market Research, Homburg, Christian, Martin Klarmann, and Arnd Vomberg, eds. Cham, CH: Springer International Publishing, 1-14.

Bascle, Guilhem (2008), “Controlling for Endogeneity with Instrumental Variables in Strategic Management Research,” Strategic Organization, 6 (3), 285-327.

Park, Sungho and Sachin Gupta (2012), “Handling Endogenous Regressors by Joint Estimation Using Copulas,” Marketing Science, 31 (4), 567-586.

Zaefarian, Ghasem, Vita Kadile, Stephan C. Henneberg, and Alexander Leischnig (2017), “Endogeneity Bias in Marketing Research: Problem, Causes and Remedies,” Industrial Marketing Management, 65, 39-46.

Sande, Jon Bingen and Mrinal Ghosh (2018), “Endogeneity in Survey Research,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35 (2), 185-204.

Eckert, Christine, and Jan Hohberger (2023), “Addressing Endogeneity Without Instrumental Variables: An Evaluation of the Gaussian Copula Approach for Management Research,” Journal of Management, 49(4), 1460-1495.


Lindner, Thomas, Jonas Puck, and Alain Verbeke (2020), “Misconceptions About Multicollinearity in International Business Research: Identification, Consequences, and Remedies,” Journal of International Business Studies, 51, 283-298.

Lindner, Thomas, Jonas Puck, and Alain Verbeke (2022), “Beyond Addressing Multicollinearity: Robust Quantitative Analysis and Machine Learning in International Business Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming.

Chennamaneni, Pavan R., Raj Echambadi, James D. Hess, and Niladri Syam (2016), “Diagnosing Harmful Collinearity in Moderated Regressions: A Roadmap,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (1), 172-182.

Mason, Charlotte H. and William D. Perreault Jr. (1991), “Collinearity, Power, and Interpretation of Multiple Regression Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research, 28 (3), 268-280.

Kalnins, Arturs and Kendall Praitis Hill (2023), “The VIF Score. What is it Good For? Absolutely Nothing,” Organizational Research Methods, forthcoming. 

Missing data

Little, Roderick J. A. and Donald B. Rubin (2019), Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, 3rd edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Graham, John W. (2009), “Missing Data Analysis: Making It Work in the Real World,” Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 549-576. 

Schafer, Joseph L. and John W. Graham (2002), “Missing Data: Our View of the State of the Art,” Psychological Methods, 7 (2), 147-177.

Effect sizes

Ellis, Paul D. (2010), “Effect Sizes and the Interpretation of Research Results in International Business,” Journal of International Business Studies, 41, 1581-1588.

Gignac, Gilles E. and Eva T. Szodorai (2016), “Effect Size Guidelines for Individual Differences Researchers,” Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 74-78.

Bosco, Fran A., Herman Aguinis, Kulraj Singh, James G. Field, and Charles A. Pierce (2015), “Correlational Effect Size Benchmarks,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 100 (2), 431-449.

Iacobucci, Dawn, Deidre L. Popovich, Sangkil Moon, and Sergio Román (2022), “How to Calculate, Use, and Report Variance Explained Effect Size Indices and Not Die Trying,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33 (1), 45-61.

Preacher, Kristopher J. and Ken Kelley (2011), “Effect Size Measures for Mediation Models: Quantitative Strategies for Communicating Indirect Effects,” Psychological Methods, 16 (2), 93–115.

Quentin, André (2022), “A Critical Perspective on Effect Sizes,” Personal Blog Post. 

Latent interactions

Pieters, Constant, Rik Pieters, and Aurélie Lemmens (2022), “Six Methods for Latent Moderation Analysis in Marketing Research: A Comparison and Guidelines,” Journal of Marketing Research, 59 (5), 941-962.

Marsh, Herbert W., Zhonglin Wen, and Kit-Tai Hau (2004), “Structural Equation Models of Latent Interactions: Evaluation of Alternative Estimation Strategies and Indicator Construction,” Psychological Methods, 9 (3), 275-300.

Muthén, Bengt and Tihomir Asparouhov (2003), “Modeling Interactions Between Latent and Observed Continuous Variables Using Maximum-Likelihood Estimation in Mplus,” Mplus Web Notes, No. 6, 1-9.

Klein, Andreas and Helfried Moosbrugger (2000), “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Latent Interaction Effects with the LMS Method”, Psychometrika, 65 (4), 457-474.


Tufte, Edward R. (2007), The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd edition. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press. ISBN: 978 1 9308 2413 3

McCabe, Connor J., Dale S. Kim, and Kevin M. King (2018), “Improving Present Practices in the Visual Display of Interactions,” Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 147-165.

Rasolofoarison, Dina and Cristel A. Russel (2024), “Get the Picture? Using Visuals to Represent Theory,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 599-603. 

Literature reviews

Littell, Julia H., Jacqueline Corcoran, and Vijayan Pillai (2008), Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978 0 1953 2654 3

Short, Jeremy (2009), “The Art of Writing a Review Article,” Journal of Management, 35 (6), 1312-1317.

Hulland, John and Mark B. Houston (2020), “Why Systematic Review Papers and Meta-Analyses Matter: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Generalizations in Marketing,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 351-359.

Palmatier, Robert W., Mark B. Houston, and John Hulland (2018), “Review Articles: Purpose, Process, and Structure,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46, 1-5.

Aguinis, Herman, Ravi S. Ramani, and Nawaf Alabduljader (2020), “Best-Practice Recommendations for Producers, Evaluators, and Users of Methodological Literature Reviews,” Organizational Research Methods, 1-31.

Kunisch, Sven, David Denyer, Jean M. Bartunek, Markus Menz, and Laura B. Cardinal (2023), “Review Research as Scientific Inquiry,” Organizational Research Methods, 26(1), 3-45.

Hiebl, Martin R. W. (2023), “Sample Selection in Systematic Literature Reviews of Management Research,” Organizational Research Methods, 26(2), 229-261.

Williams, Ralph I. Jr., Leigh Anne Clark, W. Randy Clark, and Deana M. Raffo (2021), “Re-Examining Systematic Literature Review in Management Research: Additional Benefits and Execution Protocols,” European Management Journal, 39(4), 521-533. 

Cayla, Julien (2023), “The Art of the Literature Review,” Medium.

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