Marketing Agility in MNC Subsidiaries

Balancing Global Efficiency with Local Responsiveness The main challenge of multinational corporations (MNCs) is to balance local opportunity-seeking initiatives with global efficiency-oriented imperatives. Only if a subsidiary develops reliable local insights and a...

What Drives Royalty Rates in International Franchising?

The Significance of Franchising in the Global Economy Franchising – a business arrangement in which a firm (the franchisor) permits another firm (the franchisee) to use its brand name and business format to market goods and services – is big business. Today, the...

What Explains Consumers’ Global Brand Preferences?

Understanding Consumers’ Global Brand Preferences The globalization of marketplaces has fueled significant academic interest in understanding why consumers may prefer global brands over local ones. Researchers have explored various consumer dispositions—such as...

How Luxury Brands Can Succeed in Social Media

Many luxury brands use social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, to communicate with consumers worldwide. The relevance of social media channels for luxury brand communication is likely to increase even more as luxury brands increasingly shift...